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Seismic interpretation has not fundamentally changed in decades. Interpreters still pick boundaries between spatial representations of seismic features (typically reflectivity) and make maps that represent the geometry of those boundaries.

Sure, we use much more sophisticated techniques than the hand-coloured paper seismic sections of our mothers and fathers. And we definitely incorporate more automation, guidance, and indicators from certain seismic characteristics or attributes. But we are still limiting ourselves to the ‘spacetime continuum’.

Just like the paradigm shift and consequent geological enlightenment when we went from 2D to 3D seismic, we need to take the leap and expand our dimensional boundaries again. But wait. How is that possible? Going from 2D to 3D was still within our physical world, but how do we visualize, and more importantly, utilize four, five, six, n-dimensions? We need something completely different.

Sound QI has an idea. What if you use crossplots? Not n-dimensional crossplots, because that leads us to the same problem we had before, but what about nested crossplots? Intrigued?

Video Attributes:
Originally recorded May 1st, 2019
Duration 51:03

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